Ohoohooo, cat mai avem de tras
De aceste doua imperfectiuni care suntem
Ca sa incropim un angrenaj.
Ohoohoo, cat mai avem de rectificat
Pana cand sa avem doua fete drepte
Potrivite unei etansari perfecte.
Ohoohoo cat mai avem de uitat
Ca sa ne amintim cine suntem cu adevarat.
Pana atunci ne scapa stelele printre degete,
Ne curge lumina pe la incheieturi,
Ne scartaie imbratisarile
Si ne blocam in singuratate.
"Love should be a reality in your life, not just a poem, not just a dream. It has to be actualized. It is never too late to experience love for the first time.
RăspundețiȘtergereLearn to love. Very few people know how to love. They all know that love is needed, they all know that without love life is meaningless, but they don't know how to love." -- Osho