luni, 20 august 2012


Eu sunt inginer si impreuna cu colegii mei construim cai ferate. Altii produc altele. Suntem intr-o societate de productie. Dar indiferent ce producem, indiferent ce construim, indiferent ce servicii furnizam exista o productie comuna pentru toate. Si asta e productia de BUCURIE. Daca prin tot ceea ce facem in fiecare clipa producem bucurie noua si altora atunci merita sa cheltuim timpul cu asta. Daca nu, nu!

Modelul meu este productia acestui Pamant. Pentru ca numai din patru ingrediente: pamant, aer, apa si lumina uite cata bucurie produce cu fiecare gust altfel al fiecarui rod, cu fiecare nuanta din acest tablou miraculos care ne inconjoara in fiecare clipa.

Asta sa fie productia pe care ne-o propunem, pe care o planificam detaliat, pe care o contabilizam amanuntit. Si la data stabilita pentru depunerea bilantului "productiei de bucurie" vor fi numai valori pozitive si firme prospere.

Spor la productia de BUCURIE.

Who I Was Born To Be

When I was a child
I could see the wind in the trees
And I heard a song in the breeze
It was there, singing out my name

But I am not a girl
I have known the taste of defeat
And I have finally grown to believe
It will all came around again

And though I may not
Know the answers
I can finally say I am free
And if the questions
Led me here, then
I am who I was born to be

And so here am I
Open arms and ready to stand
I've got the world in my hands
And it feels like my turn to fly

When I was a child
There were flowers that bloomed in the night
Unafraid to take in the light
Unashamed to have braved the dark

I am who I was born to be
I am who I was born to be.

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